Palmier Pie
Baker’s % | |
Bread Flour | 50 |
Cake Flour | 50 |
Salt | 1 |
PALFFY 780LTU | 5 |
Water | 50 |
Mixing Time | (Fat)↓L2′ M6′ |
Dough Temperature | 24℃ |
Dividing | 950g |
Retard Time | ‘5℃ 1 hour |
1st Folding | Single fold x 1time, Double fold x 1time |
2nd Retard time | 5℃ 1 hour |
2nd Folding | Single fold x 1time, Double fold x 1time |
Final layer | 144 Layers |
Make Form | Refer Below |
Baking Temperature | 170℃ (Up) 170℃ (Down) |
Baking Time | 18 – 22 min |
*The arrow shows timing to add margarine.
Roll In
%/Dough | |
White Sauce Filling
Sugar | 3g/pc |
Make Form & Baking
- Sheet the dough to thickness of 1.8mm.
- Cut the dough into 280mm(L) ×380mm(W) ×3mm(H).
- Fold up the left and right vertical side inward, stopping at about 1/4 of the pastry.
- Fold both sides to the center and touch with each other.
- Cut into width of 10mm.
- Wet the surface with water and apply sugar.
- Bake it for 18-22min at 170℃/170℃.
Products Used for This Recipe

Compound margarine with rich buttery taste which melts in your mouth with high overrun.
- Packing: 15kg
- Storage: 3℃-7℃
- Shelf Life: 240days

Cost-effective plant-based sheet margarine with rich buttery taste suitable for pie manufacturing.
- Packing: 1kg*10
- Storage: Below 25℃
- Shelf Life: 365days