Croissant Aux Fraises
Croissant Dough
Baker’s % | |
Bread Flour | 90 |
Cake Flour | 10 |
Instant Dry Yeast | 2 |
Bread Improver | 0.5 |
Sugar | 12 |
Salt | 1.6 |
Skim Milk Powder | 2 |
Whole Egg | 10 |
PALFFY 780 LTU | 8 |
Water | 48 |
Roll In
%/dough | |
CLASSICO 340 LT | 25 |
Mixing Time | ↓L6′ M2′ |
Dough Temperature | 25 °C |
Fermentation Time | 60 minutes |
Dividing | 1800g |
Retard Temperature | -5°C |
1st Retard Time | Overnight |
1st Folding | Single Fold X 2 times |
2nd Retard Time | 1-2 hours |
2nd Folding | Single Fold X 1 time |
Make form | Refer below |
Final Proofing Time | 75 minutes |
Proofing Condition | 35°C/80% |
Baking Temperature | 180°C / Rotating Oven |
Baking Time | 20 minutes |
*The arrow shows timing to add margarine.
Bi-Colour Dough
Baker’s % | |
Bread Flour | 90 |
Cake Flour | 10 |
Instant Dry Yeast | 2 |
Bread Improver | 0.5 |
Sugar | 12 |
Salt | 1.6 |
Skim Milk Powder | 2 |
Whole Egg | 10 |
PALFFY 780 LTU | 8 |
Water | 48 |
Red Colouring | 1 |
- Method is the same as mixing croissant dough.
- After mix, divide 800g per piece & wrap. Place in the chiller.
- Take out from chiller 5 minutes before using it.
30g/pcs | |
Strawberry Jam | 80 |
- Combine both ingredients together & mix well.
- Place in the chiller & use whenever you need it.
Sugar Syrup
g | |
Water | 100 |
Sugar | 100 |
- Combine both ingredients together & boil them. Leave it cool before using.
- You may prepare this in advance & keep in the chiller.
- Roll out the ‘RED’ colour dough first into the size of the laminated dough.
- Place it on top of the laminated dough. Brush off flour before placing it.
- Once done, roll the dough into 3.5mm thickness.
- Cut into triangle shapes; cut dimension 25cm X 10cm.
- Roll into Croissant shape then place in a baking tray with baking paper. Leave it out for 15 minutes before starting to proof.
- Once proofed, bake for 18-20 minutes. After baked, transfer to a cooling rack for around 20 minutes before finalise.
- Once cooled, pipe in the fillings from the bottom. After piping the fillings, brush the Croissant with Sugar Syrup.
* You may want to decorate with Fresh Strawberries or anything you like.
Products Used for This Recipe

Compound margarine with rich buttery taste which melts in your mouth with high overrun.
- Packing: 15kg
- Storage: 3℃-7℃
- Shelf Life: 240days

High-grade compound margarine with good workability and rich buttery taste.
- Packing: 1kg*10
- Storage: 3℃-7℃
- Shelf Life: 240days

Room temperature storage filling with good baking stability and rich milky taste.
- Packing: 3kg*5
- Storage: Below 25℃
- Shelf Life: 240days